Upon opening the CPD Tracker website, you will be presented with the CPD Dashboard.

The CPD Dashboard provides an at-a-glance view of all CPD activities registered in the current year. CPD hours are calculated automatically based on activities entered, and any training completed in the ADP will appear automatically.

As activities are entered into the CPD, they will be color-coded to indicate their current status:

  • Blue: Scheduled Activity (to occur on a future date)
  • Yellow: After a scheduled activity has passed, if Objective Evidence is required
  • Green: A completed activity where Objective Evidence was provided.
  • Red (not shown): If there are problems with an activity that need to be addressed urgently.

Similarly, the progress indicator in the top-right corner will illustrate progress towards the yearly CPD requirements with red/yellow/green indicators. The amount of completed calculated hours, allowed unstructured hours, and hours remaining are indicated.

Clicking on one of the activities will expand it to show more details:

The details shown will depend on the activity type, but will include the actual hours for the activity (the basis for the calculated hours), and a section for Attachments/Objective Evidence.