Adding a New CPD Activity

  1. From the CPD Dashboard, ensure you are looking at the correct/current Reporting Period (year).  If not, use the left/right arrow buttons to switch years, as needed.

  2. Click on “Add New Activity” button/link to show the New CPD Activity wizard:

  3. Select the appropriate CPD Activity Type. If your activity does not fall under one of the available types, select "Other (structured)" or "Other (unstructured)." For definitions of structured vs unstructured activities please refer to the IATF Rules.

  4. Select a date range for your activity from the calendar on the second screen. You may select any date or date range in the current reporting period, activities in the future will be marked as "planned" activities.

  5. Enter the details of the activity. The required fields for each activity will vary depending on which activity type you are entering. If you do not have all of the required information at this time you may save the activity as a draft and return to it later.

  6. Enter the number of hours for the activity performed. The number of Authorized CPD hours will be automatically calculated and displayed based on how many hours you have entered. For unstructured training, the authorized hours are set to 50% of the actual hours entered. Hours are capped at 5 authorized unstructured and 20 authorized structured hours per reporting period.

  7. On the next screen, upload any applicable files as Objective Evidence. Files you have already uploaded will appear next to each record, if you upload a file that you later want to remove you can delete it from this screen as well.

    NOTE: The types of attachments/objective evidence required are based on the activity type, and will be indicated as "Required" whenever applicable.  You must upload at least one attachment for each of the "required" types of objective evidence. You may also upload additional attachments/objective evidence of the "recommended" types.

  8. If you are an auditor/non-auditor who works for multiple sponsoring CBs, you will have the option to choose which CB(s) are allowed to see the details of the CPD entry.  The auditor/non-auditor may select:
    1. “All” (this activity details will be visible to all CBs)
    2. The specific CB or CBs allowed to see the activity details.

      Note: When an activity is hidden from a CB, it will appear as a generic entry with the applicable number of CPD hours counted, but the CB will not be able to view any activity details.  When activities are entered directly by a CB administrator, these are only visible to the CB who added the activity, unless the auditor/non-auditor later edits the activity and makes it visible to other CBs.

  9. Click on the “Save” button. The CPD Dashboard will update to show the new activity, and the CPD hour totals and indicators will be re-calculated automatically.

Please Note: Any training completed directly in the ADP will be added to the CPD Record automatically with no further action required.  The training will be added in the record for the calendar year when the activity is completed in the ADP, and it CANNOT be moved to a different reporting period.

Managing CPD Activities

  • An auditor/non-auditor can edit/delete any manually-added CPD Activities. (Note: ADP Training cannot be edited or deleted.)
  • CBs are able to edit/delete any manually-added CPD Activities that they added. They are not able to edit or delete any activities added by an auditor/non-auditor or by another CB.
  • IATF Administrators and Technical Support personnel have the ability to edit/delete CPD activities, as is required to support auditor/CB requests.
  • Any updates, whether adding new activities, or editing or deleting existing activities, will result in a new entry to the Change History section of the record.
  • If a CB sponsorship for a given auditor/non-auditor is removed/deactivated, or if the auditor is deactivated, the CB will lose access to the CPD Repository for that auditor/non-auditor effective the next calendar year, but they will retain access for the remainder of the current calendar year. Records for deactivated auditors can be accessed by OO and IATF Administrators.
  • CPD Records for a given Reporting Period will remain open and editable by auditors/non-auditors and CBs until the end of the first quarter (March 31st) of the following year. After that point, records will be locked and may only be edited by IATF Administrators and ADP Support personnel.