If you are scheduled to a proctored assessment session or Live Virtual Pre-Meeting in the ADP, there are several modifications you can make to your existing schedule directly through the ADP Dashboard.

Canceling/Rescheduling your Scheduled Attendance

For Proctored Assessment sessions and Live Virtual Pre-Meetings, you can cancel your attendance through the ADP Dashboard, as long as the session has not already been approved (confirmed).

  1. Log into the ADP at https://iatfadp.com/dashboard
  2. Click on the "Session Scheduling" tab
  3. In the "Scheduled Events" section below, click on the Cancel button.

Once the session is approved by the IATF, your attendance is locked, and you can only cancel your attendance by submitting a Support Ticket.  If you cancel from a Live Virtual Proctored Assessment session after approval, your cancellation will be subject to a $100 USD late cancellation fee.  In-person proctored sessions are typically approved several weeks before the event runs, while Live Virtual sessions are typically approved the week before the event.  When a session is approved, all scheduled auditors will receive copy of the "Joining Letter" by email.

After canceling your attendance using the above steps, all the scheduled tasks/retakes will be available for scheduling again. You can click on the "Available Tasks to Schedule" tab to schedule for a different session.

Adding additional retakes to a Proctored Assessment session (before the session)

You can add additional retakes to your existing scheduled session as long as there is space available at the session by simply scheduling again for the additional retakes on the same date.

  1. Log into the ADP at https://iatfadp.com/dashboard
  2. Click on the "Session Scheduling" tab
  3. In the "Available Tasks to Schedule" tab, click on the checkbox next to each of the retakes you wish to schedule, and click the "Schedule" button.  (If the retake does not appear in this list, that means either a) you haven't paid for it yet, or b) you already scheduled it to a different session and need to cancel that one first.)
  4. Select the date on the calendar where you're already scheduled to attend your other retakes and follow the scheduling steps as usual.

If the session is full, or if you're attending a Live Virtual Proctored Sessions that was already approved, you will not be able to add retakes following the steps above.  If the retakes you wish to add will fit in the time you already scheduled for the session (e.g.., morning, afternoon, or both), please submit a Support Ticket to make your request.

NOTE: The number of retakes you can complete at a given session is limited by the amount of time in the proctored session day.  If you only schedule for the morning or afternoon, you will not be able to change this to a full-day unless there is available space in both time slots.  For example, sometimes an event may be completely full in the morning and only have space in the afternoon, and in that case you cannot schedule more than the time available to you.

Adding additional retakes to a Proctored Assessment session (during the session)

If you're attending a proctored assessment session and wish to add an additional (paid) retake to the session, please notify the proctor right away.  Proctors at ADP Proctored Assessments sessions have the ability to add (paid) retakes to your session, or may contact ADP Technical Support for assistance.

Removing retakes from a Proctored Assessment session

Before the Session:

While you cannot directly remove a specific retake from an already-scheduled proctored session, you can often cancel your attendance (following the steps above) and then reschedule your attendance again at the same session with the desired retakes.

If the session is already approved:

If you're not able to cancel your attendance because the session is already approved, please submit a Support Ticket and specify the exact retakes you wish to add.  Please note that payment must already be received and processed before we can schedule the retake to a session.  (If you paid by bank transfer, but we have not yet received and processed your funds, we cannot schedule your retake yet.)

During the Session:

Please notify the proctor at your Proctored Assessment session if you decide to not complete one or more of the retakes you originally had scheduled at the session.  They will cancel the retake in the ADP to allow you to schedule to a different session.  NOTE: Once you start a retake at a proctored session, you cannot cancel it.  If you encounter technical difficulties that prevent you from completing a retake, the proctor will work with the ADP Support Team to resolve the situation.

Changes to New Auditor Training and Phase 2 Evaluation Events

For changes to your scheduled attendance at New Auditor Training or Phase 2 Evaluation Events, please ask your CB to reach out to the applicable Training Organisation.  Auditors/non-auditors cannot make changes for these event types directly through the ADP Dashboard.